Hello Mary Lou

Cha-Cha Phase IV+1
Choreographer: Larry & Aleta Dunn
Record: Capitol x-079

Intro - Bfly
  Wait; shldr 2 shldr 2x;;

Part A - Bfly
  chase with dbl peek-a-boo;;;;;;;;

Part B - Bfly
  flirt (L-shadow);; sweetheart 2x (W trans - Vars);;
  par chase;; cucaracha; spot trn (W trans - Bfly);

Part C - Bfly
  vine 2, fc to fc; vine 2, bk to bk (OP); sliding doors;;
  circ cha (Bfly);; NYer; spot trn;

Ending - Bfly
  vine 2, fc to fc; vine 2, bk to bk (OP); circ cha & freeze;;

SEQUENCE: Intro - A B A - C B A - Ending

ROUND DANCE CUE SHEET SERVER: http://www.round-dance.de/
Martin Prüfer, Martin.Pruefer@ECTA.de