ON AND ON Choreo by: Barbara & Jerry Pierce - 2021 Crest Lane, Birmingham, AL 35226-1216 - Tel (205)822-7525 Q Sheet: Head Q's Enterprises - Laser Typesetting - (800)252-2153 Record: Royal Records RYL 901 Speed 45 rpm, of slower to suit Footwork: Opposite, directions for man except as noted (W's in parentheses) Rhythm: Rumba, Roundalab Phase IV Sequence: Intro-A-A-B-C-A-Ending Released August 1995 Measures INTRO 1-4 WAIT AIDA LINE POS;; ROLL 3 TO BFLY; CUCARACHA 1-2 wait 2 meas V bk to ld hnds jnd fcg rlod;; 3-4 lower & rel jnd hnds roll 1 1/4 trn twd rlod trng ptr L,R,L-; bfly wall press sd R, rec L, cl R,-; PART A 1-4 BASIC;; NEW YORKER; WHIP & RAISE HANDS; 1-2 bfly rk fwd L, rec R, sd L, -; rk bk R, rec l, sd R, -; 3-4 rk thru L to lop fcg rlod, rec R bfly, sd L, -; trlg hnds thru rk bk R trng lf, rec L trng to fc coh, sd R, -; (4) (W fwd L outsd M's feet to M's left side, fwd R trng lf to fc M in bfly, sd L, -;) 5-8 REV TWIRL TO BFLY; RK SD, REC, CROSS; CRABWALK RLOD; SPOT TURN; 5-6 ld hnds thru twd lod in plc L,R,(W twirl lf R,L,R to bfly)-; rk sd R twd lod, rec L, xRif,-; 7-8 sd L, xRif(W xif), sd L, -; xRif of L(W xif) to rlod trng lf, rec L trng lf to fc ptr bfly coh, sd R,-; 9-12 CHASE TO TANDEM; BOTH FWD & BK BASIC JOIN r HNDS;; W WHIP TO BFLY; 9 rk fwd L trng 1/2 rf to wall, rec fwd R, fwd L,-; (W rk bk R, rec L, fwd R,-;) 10-11 tand fcg wall M ahead no hnds jnd rk fwd R, rec lm bk R,-; rk bkL, rec R, fwd L join R hnds,-; 12 rk bk R pull jnd R hnds twd lod (W fwd L arnd M), rec L fcg wall (W fwd R trng lf), sd R to bfly,-; 13-16 BASIC;; FENCELINE; SPOT TURN TO BFLY; 13-16 repeat meas 1-2 of Part A;; x lunge thru to flod L, rec R bfly, sd L, -; repeat meas 8 of Part A; PART B 1-4 ALEMANA OVTRN TO WRAP FCG LOD;; BOTH RK BK REC FWD; KIKI WALK; 1-2 rk fwd L, rec R, cl L (W sd R),-; rk bk R, rec L, cl R M's R hnd on W's back & jnd ld hnds low,-; (2) (W fwd Lxif of R & trng rf under jnd rh to M's lh, in plc R trng rf, in plc L to wrap,-;) 3-4 rk bk L, rec R, fwd L,-; fwd L if of R, fwd R if of L,-; 5-8 KIKI WALK; AIDA; RKBK, REC, FC; SPOT TURN LOD; 5-6 as in meas 4 fwd L, R,-; lowering ld hnds thru R, sd L to fc ptr, trng rf bk R to aida line,-; 7-8 rk bk L, rec R, cl L to R to bfly,-; xRif of L (W xif) to lod trng lf, rec L trng lf to fc ptr bfly wall, sd R,-; 13-16 ALEMANA OVTRN TO WRAP FCG LOD;; BOTH RK BK, REC,FWD; KIKI WALK; 13-16 KIKI WALK; FAIDA; RK BK, REC, FC; SPOT TURN LOD; 9-16 repeat meas 1-8 of Part B;;;; ;;;; PART C 1-4 1/2 BASIC; FAN; HOCKEY STICK TO M's RT SIDE;; 1-2 repeat meas 1-2 of Part A to lop fcg;; (2) (W fan rel trailing hands fwd L, sd & bk R trng 1/4 lf to fc flod, bk L W/ rt ft ahead,-;) 3-4 fwd L, rec R, cl L,-; bk R, rec L, fwd R,-; (3-4) (W cl R to L, fwd R,-; fwd L, fwd R trng lf under jnd hnds to M's R sd, sd L,-; 5-8 LARIAT;; HAND TO HAND - Twice;; optionally LARIAT IN 3; TWIRL TO BFLY; BREAKAWAY - Twice;; 5-6 pass jnd ld hnds over M's head press sd L, rec R, cl L to R,-; press sd R, rec L, cl R to L,-; (5-6) (W fwd R, fwd L bhd M, fwd R,-; fwd L arnd M, fwd R trng to fc M, sd L to fbly,-;) 7-8 rk bk L to op lod, rec R to bfly, sd L, -; rk bk R to lop r.ld, rec L to bfly, sd R,-; optional meas 6-8 (W twirl rf L, R, L,-); sd L, rk bk R to lop rlod,m rec L bfly,-; sd R,rk bk L to op lod, rec R bfly,-; 9-12 1/2 BASIC; FAN; HOCKEY STICK TO M's RT SIDE;; 13-16 LARRIAT;; HAND TO HAND - Twice;; 9-16 repeat meas 1-8 of Part C;;;; ;;;; ENDING 1-4 BASIC;; NEW YORKER; AIDA & HOLD; 1-4 rpt meas 1-3 of Part A;;; rpt meas 6 of Part B hold pos;