Take one step 80

2-Step Phase II
Record: TNT 158
Intro - OP FCG
  Wait 2;; Apt pt; Tog tch to SCP;

Part A - SCP
  2 fwd 2's to fc;; Half Box;Scis thru;
  Circle box;; Bwd hitch; Scis thru;|8
  2 fwd 2's;; Vine 4; Piv half;
  2 fwd 2's;; Vine 4; Piv half;

Part B - Bfly face wall
  Fc to fc; Bk to bk to op; Circle pickup;
  Bk 2step; Prog scis;; 2trn 2's;;|8

  Apt, pt;

SEQUENCE:Intro - A B - A B - A(8) B(8)- Ending

ROUND DANCE CUE SHEET SERVER: http://www.Round-Dance.de/
Martin Prüfer, Martin.Pruefer@ECTA.de