Runaround Sue

Jive Phase VI
Choreographer: Ron & Ree Rumble
Record: Star 138
Intro - OP - no hands - both L foot free
  Wait 2;; stp, clap 2x; vine 3 clap;
  spt clap 2x; vine 3 clap; circ snap 4 (W trans CP);

Part A - CP
  chasse L & R; fallaway throwaway - american back spin;;;
  chg L to R - underarm lunge/sit & hold;;; W out to fc;
  chg hands beh bk - chg L to R;;;
  dbl whip (SCP) - rk to prezel, chopper exit;;;;;

Part B - Bfly
  chasse L & R; R trn fallaway - slingshot throwout;;;
  stop & go (shake hands);; rolling off the arm;;

Part C - fc wall - R hand shake
  tipl wheel with spins;;;;,,
  rk rec,, sit & hold; flk 2x & flea hops;

Part D - Bfly
  sandstp wheel;;;;; spanish arm 2x (R hand shake);;;

Ending - Bfly
  sandstp wheel;;;;; rk apt & W wrap 2 triples;,,
  rk rec,, press forward - body ripple;
  W roll out & explode;

SEQUENCE: Intro - A B C - A(8) - D C - A(8) - Ending

Martin Prüfer,