Oh lonesome me

2-Step/Jive Phase III+2
Choreographer: Steve & Jackie Wilhoit
Record: Mrcury875450-7
Intro - OP fcg
  Wait 2;; apt pt; tog tch (to CP);
  Skate L & R; sd 2step; skate R & L; sd 2step (to SCP);

Part A - SCP
  2 fwd 2s;; op vine 4 (to OP);;
  dbl hitch;; step swing; fc tch;
  2 sd tches; sd 2step; 2 sd tches; sd 2step;
  roll 4 (to SCP);; rk the boat - twice;;

Part B - CP
  strolling vine;;;;
  charge trn in; fwd 2step; charge trn in; fwd 2step;

Part C - CP
  sd tch sd; rk rec, chg R to L, rk rec, L to R;;;
  rk rec, chg Hands beh bk, rk rec,
          chg Hands beh bk (to SCP);;; wk 2;

Ending - SCP
  Roll 4 (to SCP);; rk the boat - twice;;
  Roll 4 (to SCP);; rk the boat - twice;;
  vine/twirl 2; apt & pt;

SEQUENCE: Intro - A A B - A C - B A - Ending

ROUND DANCE CUE SHEET SERVER: http://www.Round-Dance.de/
Martin Prüfer, Martin.Pruefer@ECTA.de