What a day for a daydream

Fox/Jive Phase IV

Intro - OP/DW - no wait
  apt, ack, PU &
  tch;        ---OR--    CP/LOD - wait; 

Part A - 
  dia turn to Scar;;;;   X hover to Bjo;
  X hover to Scar;   X hover to Scp;   	wing;   open telemark;   
  X pivot to Scar;   	twinkle to Bjo;   	manuv;   spin turn;   
  1/2 box back;   2 LT;;  (Scp/LOD)

Part B - 
  slow rk the boat 2x;;   
  kick/ball change 2x;
  swivel 4;    REPEAT;;;;
  R turning fallaway;   
  change R to L - (Bfly/wall)
  Spanish arms 2x  -  Am. spin ;;;;;;
  rk apt, rec, walk 2;  
  (2nd & 3rd time:  walk & PU " A")

End - 
  apt, ack;

SEQUENCE: Intro - A B B - A B - A - End

ROUND DANCE CUE SHEET SERVER: http://www.round-dance.de/
Martin Prüfer, Martin.Pruefer@ECTA.de