Picardy foxtrot

Choreographer: Slater
Fox Phase VI

Intro - LOP/DW
  wait;;  tog, tch;  
  feather finish;  (DC)

Part A - 
  open rev turn;  chasse to Scp;  
  natural hover cross;;   full rev turn;;
  3-step;  1/2 nat turn;  cl'd impetus;
  bk to hinge;  rec to same ft lunge;
  rec & close;   split ronde;
  rev wave 3 - check & weave;;;

Part B - 
  change of directopm;   
  contra check, rec, switch;
  curved feather;   
  outside spin & twist;;  feather finish;
  whisk;   feather;   closed telemark;   	nat'l weave;;   	3-step;   1/2 nat turn;  	bk, tipple chasse to Scar (DC);
  hover cross end (DRC);  (overtrnd)
  top spin;  (1st X:  DC\ 2nd X:  DW)

End - check-it!!
  open impetus;   chair;

SEQUENCE: Intro - A B - A B B (1-15) - End

ROUND DANCE CUE SHEET SERVER: http://www.round-dance.de/
Martin Prüfer, Martin.Pruefer@ECTA.de